Wednesday 22 February 2012

His childhood fabric - an intro

As a conscious parent I know that every experience and relationship in my young son's life form part of his 'childhood fabric'.  He is who he is currently because of his early environment, and more importantly, his adult self will largely be constructed from these same early experiences. 

The first six years of life form the foundation for his whole personality.  The first three years are the most crucial and I remember greeting my son's third birthday with excitement as he moved to a new 'subphase' of development, but also a concern that those critical years were over - had I done enough? Had I met his needs?  What had I missed?  Is he going to be 'ok'? 

That was when the idea for this blog came about.  I realised that we are still creating his fabric every day, and even more excitingly, he is adding his own stitches/threads (I am not the least interested in real fabric - but love the analogy, and this means my use of terminology may be a little off) and while his first 3 years are over, his childhood is still far, far from over and I need to be just as conscious in these following years.  The desire to record our experiences and learning has stayed with me for almost a year.  He is now almost four and it's the right time to begin. 

I plan to share insights into his development and my own as a parent, information from my wide reading, general thoughts and whatever else it is that happens spontaneously when you decide to blog.  It all really comes down to this for me...As I work to develop my son's childhood fabric, I am in turn creating my own 'parenting fabric'! 



  1. I love the analogy. And I can't wait to read more about his and yours fabric. I know I will learn heaps from it too :). Thanks for sharing Tess.

    1. Thanks Anja! I appreciate the support :)
